Peter's Place to Ponder

Friday, June 10, 2005

Can't wait for tonight!

Well, tonight I have my first no-parent date with Molly in a couple years. I am excited, nervous, and everything else you can imagine.

I had considered taking her to see the Star Wars movie, but I decided not to, for two reasons: first, I am not sure the content is appropriate; and second, I want to be able to have a nice conversation with her. I think we will wait until we have been out a few more times before we do something as non-interactive as going to a movie.

I am not going to tell you all what we ARE going to do, because I want Molly to be surprised. Hopefully she will have a good enough time that she will tell all about it on her blog when she gets home tonight.

By the way, I called Molly and talked to her about the Grateful Dead (she has recently become a fan, for those of you who don't visit her site, and I was a little concerned about it), and she and I agreed that I will listen to it with her and see what we think. It will feel really good to kneel and pray with Molly about something important like this. I imagine it will feel a lot like being married, making decisions together like that. I don't know if we will do that tonight or not, but I will let you all know how it goes.


  • Isn't that a little controlling, telling her that you don't approve of her taste in music? I mean, you aren't married, and you have no authority over her. What if it were the other way around, and she disapproved of your taste in music? Would you be willing to give up perfectly decent music simply because she thought the lyrics were "off," even though they're fine? Whatever.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 10, 2005 11:08 AM  

  • Hey Peter!
    It is me, Emily, Molly's friend! I have heard so much about you and I can't wait to meet you!! I just wanted to tell you before your date that my Uncle introduced me to American Beauty when I was like 11, and I have loved it ever since. I hope you like it as much as Molly is starting to like it!
    Catch ya later!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 10, 2005 12:52 PM  

  • Max,

    All I said was that it is an important decision. I think the fact that I am willing to listen to it with her and help her decide indicates that not only am I not "controlling," I am just plain helpful. I have spent the last two years fine-tuning my spiritual sensitivities, and if I can't use them to help the people I care about, then what good are they?

    As for my music, if Molly ever found something objectionable about the music I care for, I would be perfectly willing to discuss it with her. And if, after I explained to her why I didn't have a problem with it, she still felt uncomfortable, I would happily give it up.

    By Blogger Jeff J. Snider, at June 10, 2005 2:25 PM  

  • You say you want to "help" her decide, but does she really need help? Why does she need you to make a personal decision regarding music? I mean, really.
    Besides, when she first began to wax rhapsodic about the Grateful Dead, your first response was "Gee, I think that sounds bad." You're like those people who decide Harry Potter is evil without even reading the books. Perhaps you should have sounded a little more supportive and less patronizing until you had listened to the music, eh?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 10, 2005 4:18 PM  

  • Hey Max, what business is it of yours? How is him saying he disapproves of the music any different from you saying he's being controlling? Molly didn't seem to object, so why do you care? What a jerk.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 10, 2005 4:44 PM  

  • Max, you said, "Perhaps you should have sounded a little more supportive and less patronizing until you had listened to the music, eh?" But in the same paragraph, you compared me to people who condemn Harry Potter without reading it, saying that my first response was to criticize the music even though I didn't know anything about it. But actually, my "first response," as taken directly from my comment on Molly's blog was:

    "I looked at some Grateful Dead lyrics, and I think you might want to reconsider listening to them" (emphasis added).

    So it seems like YOU are the one criticizing things without actually reading them, which I believe qualifies you as the pot, and I am the kettle you are calling black.

    By Blogger Jeff J. Snider, at June 10, 2005 10:08 PM  

  • Looks like you had fun on your date. You're a little short for her, don't you think?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 11, 2005 12:25 PM  

  • Isn't your hand a little high on her leg?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 11, 2005 4:28 PM  

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